
Após 2018 o Coletivo Bait fundiu-se à, permitindo a expansão da rádio virtual.

Com um local físico - Sede Guerrilha da Bait, em Uberlândia (atualmente BH), mais os equipamentos disponibilizados pela, possibilitaram diversos projetos, djs treinarem, gravarem seus sets, ter um programa na rádio e participarem das festas organizadas pela Bait.

Além das transmissões on-line, a rádio passou a trabalhar também com captação de vídeo, permitindo a gravação e publicação no Youtube.

De 2012 até 2023 o link da rádio foi Sem nenhum apoio institucional ou comercial, foi custeada por tsifrombrasil até 2023, com a colaboração da equipe Bait.

A partir de 2024 a Bait assumiu a direção e coordenação total da rádio, migrando para o novo endereço:

the space invader from brasil (aka tsi)

tsifrombrasil é fundador e mantenedor da Function, de 2007 a 2023.

É produtor cultural e DJ desde 2002, começando a discotecar em Brasília, participando também de eventos São Paulo, Goiânia e Uberlândia.

É parte da dupla Yngrid e Zya, já tendo participado do projeto Yzik e Zira. Como tsi, toca uma mistura de house,pop, tech, de pegada eletrônica. Produz mixes, bootlegs, trilhas, edits etc.

Em 2006, participou da segunda edição do Contato/Laços no Centro Cultural Oscar Niemayer, com organização de Letícia Cintra (RIP) em Goiânia. tsi passou a coordenar o festival, migrado para o formato virtual. 

O Contato Virtual

Entre as realizações do grupo Function!, está o Projeto Contato Virtual, que acontece em 1o de dezembro em função do Dia Mundial de Luta Contra a Aids. DJs e VJs gravam sets especialmente para o festival, transmitidos pela rádio e disponíveis no Souncloud.

Em 2005 e 2006, o Contato teve duas edições físicas em Goiânia, na Praça Universitária e no Centro Cultural Oscar Niemeyer respectivamente, organizadas pela ONG Laços, de Letícia Cintra (RIP). Na edição de 2006 apresentaram-se Ekanta, Nego Mocambique, Hopper, tsifrombrasil e Astronauta Mecânico (VJ).

O projeto migrou para a internet, em 2010, para o Function Podcast e posteriormente,, sendo coordenado por tsifrombrasil.

Dezenas de profissionais e aficionados da música, saúde e cultura eletrônica juntam seus esforços para chamar a atenção sobre a epidemia HIV/aids e seu enfrentamento. Djs, produtores, designers, artistas, fazem desta festa virtual uma praça para discussão de políticas públicas de saúde e cidadania. O projeto encerrou-se em 2023.


Programas - Houseworks por Costta + convidados

Acesse aqui os arquivos dos 25 programas Houseworks, gravados pelo Dj Costta (Brasília) - 2015/2016

Alguns DJs que já gravaram sets para o Contato Virtual

Andrea Gram
Reggie Moraes
Mauricio Rainnery
Hermes Pons
Fabio Miranda
André Sakr
Franco, Gio e Paula
Nego Moçambique
Ivan Sallas
Bal Oliveira
Super Combo Funk
Leiloca Pantoja
Lucio Caramori
Rami live
Fábio Popinigis
Janaína Jordão (GYN)
Prato Feito
Angel Snake
Cris Gonçalves
Paula Vargas
Dany Bany
Andre Urso
The Porn Queen Rocks
Daniel D
Luciano Telesca
Sydd Mendes
Mari Rossi
Ana Flavia
Benjamin Ferreira
San y Mayo
Camilo Rocha
Mauricio Rica
Renato Cohen
Tonny Rocks
Bruno Jakob
Gustavo Peluzo
Brasilia Jazz Unit
Dani Maddox
Gil Riquerme
Juliah Hormann
Diego Bertolini
Mihai Popoviciu
Entu (DF)
André Sakr
Angel Snake
Ivan Sallas
Mari Rossi
Ana Flávia
Cris Gonçalves
Paula Dias
Fabio Miranda
Sydd Mendes
Diogo Genuíno
Lucas Vidal
Vitor Melgaço
Lara Luz
Túlio Alves
Caio Piras
Bright Clouds
Allan Gonçalves
Amanda Bred
Thais Cunha
Stephan Maus
Bambi Dextrous
Celine Solution
Jesse Archer
Matt Breen
Travis Pagel


A Bait é um coletivo criado pelos irmãos Fornazier. São eles Adélio (aka Allaoy) e Gustavo (aka f.ornazier). 

Os dois iniciaram suas colaborações com a function em São Paulo.  Mudando para Uberlândia criaram a Sede Guerrilha, espaço cultural e artístico voltado à música eletrônica. Atualmente a Sede Guerrilha está funcionando em Belo Horizonte.

Nas sedes é possível aos djs, iniciantes ou não, treinarem, gravarem seus sets e até ter um programa na rádio. 

Posteriormente, além do áudio, foi acrescentada a captação de vídeo que, hospedada no Youtube, aumentou ainda mais a visibilidade da rádio e dos djs. 

Com a fusão da com a Bait, iniciou-se um movimento cada vez mais dinâmico, com grande expansão, tanto na qualidade quanto no alcance da rádio.

Em 2024 a Bait assumiu o controle e administração da function, agora no endereço

Criada e mantida por tsifrombrasil, em 2007, a é uma organização virtual voltada para o desenvolvimento de projetos culturais e artísticos relativos à música eletrônica e sua disseminação.

A implementação da rádio se deu inicialmente em razão do Contato Virtual, festival de música eletrônica transmitindo programas de parceiros e sets no endereço, ainda, 

Em 07 de abril de 2012, a tornou-se, passando a transmitir 24 horas por dia com playlists e programas de parceiros.

A partir de 2018 iniciou-se a fusão da Function com o Coletivo Bait - Allaoy (aka Adelio Fornazier) e F.ornazier (aka Gustavo Fornazier). Os dois dividem as cdjs como Irmãos Metralha. A Bait passou a coordenar a rádio com supervisão e administração geral de tsifrombrasil.

Com a parceria, os equipamentos da Function foram instalados na sede Guerrilha (inicialmente em Uberlândia) e permitiram treinamento para novos djs, gravação e divulgação dos sets de áudio (e posteriormente de vídeo). Isso permitiu o crescimento da Function, proporcionando a diversos DJs a primeira oportunidade de mostrar seus trabalhos.

Em 2024, com a saída do tsi, a rádio passou para o endereço, tendo a Bait assumindo a coordenação geral da Function, agora no link

Space Invaders - Até 2023 - tsi podcast

                                                          O Blog começa aqui. 
         Os textos abaixo são recortes referentes a produção e assuntos sobre música eletrônica.

Top 10 Best Audio Mixer Software for FREE

Benjamin Arango

Feb 20, 2023• 

You may be a musician who wants to record their music, or just a person wanting to develop his custom ringtone. In either case, a physical or virtual audio mixer is required, whether it be analog or a dedicated audio mixer software.

But you need to have some technical knowledge to make optimal use and funk up your music/sound.

Here we are to give you the knowledge you need and some amazing audio mixer software that could be perfect for you. So buckle up, and get ready to level up the harmoniousness of your creativity!

You will Learn :

  • 1. What is an audio mixer?
  • 2. What does an audio mixer do?
  • 3. What is audio mixing used for?
  • 4. 10 best sound/audio mixer software
  • 5. What to consider while choosing an audio mixer software?
  • 6. Basic audio mixer settings you should know
  • 7. Why audio mixer software?

1. What is an audio mixer?

An audio mixer is used for several significant purposes. It is known with several names. Whether a mixing desk, soundboard, mixing board, audio mixer, or mixing console, all have a coherent purpose. The sole purpose of an audio mixer is to manage either the live or recorded event.

As the name suggests, audio mixing is the process of mixing multiple sounds and consolidating them into one or more channels.

This process is performed in a way that manipulates or enhances the dynamics, source's volume level, panoramic position, and frequency content. The end moto of this creative and aesthetic treatment is to present the audio appealing to the listeners.

2. What does an audio mixer do?

As mentioned above, the primary function of an audio mixer is to mix more than one audio signal and combine them into one or more output signals.

As an example, you may think of an audio mixing engineer, let's say, orchestra conductor, who ensures that all the segregated sound sources mix into one harmonious soundtrack.

For this, they will use an audio mixer for filtering and optimizing sound by level adjusting, developing monitor feeds, using equalization and effects for sound enhancement.

This process is performed by a mixing engineer who operates either a digital audio workstation or a mixing console.

3. What is audio mixing used for?

Audio mixing can be used in many fields, and it's very common in our daily life, such as:

  • 1. Music
  • 2. Live sound
  • 3. Film
  • 4. Television

5. What to consider while choosing an audio mixer software?

Before starting off with the audio mixing activity itself, one must be able to determine which audio mixer software is best for them with respect to their availability of resources or usability. Here are some of the factors to consider while opting for an audio mixer software:

  • Check whether the software is paid or free.
  • Check whether the limited features offered in a trial/free audio mixer software are enough to satisfy all your needs.
  • Choose the paid or the free one depending on the extent of audio mixing quality you want.
  • Look for an easy user interface.
  • Look for software compatibility with your existing operating system.
  • Check for the availability of tutorials related to the use of audio mixer software that you want to opt for better guidance.
  • Look for the basic or advanced functions support in the audio mixer software that you choose depending upon your usability.
  • Whether the software is available online or you need to install the version.

6. Basic audio mixer settings you should know

It is necessary to know at least somewhat about the fundamental terminologies to decipher the specifications and features of an audio mixer. Here you'll get to know what it takes to be able to distinguish among different audio mixers and their respective software.


It is a signal path. Channels are made to accept microphones, preamps, amplifiers, and signal processors. A mixer with several channels integrated with it allows several things to be integrated and routed through it.

Channel Strip:

It is a cluster of controls and circuits that works together on a specified mixing channel to manipulate the audio that passes through it. Some of which includes the following:

Input jack:

It is the jack where any external instrument, like guitar, microphone etc., integrates with the mixer. The noise and interface are minimized to maximum extent by balancing the XLR inputs. A quarter-inch TRS connector or RCA are connected to other inputs.

Microphone preamp:

It produces weak mic signals by the raise of line-level strength for processing.


Often abbreviated as "EQ", is used to adjust the frequency response of a signal.


This process is used to perform grating and compressing.


It directs the incoming signals to external devices or mixer circuitry.


Its fundamental objective is to control the inputs and outputs of a channel.


Kind of a gauge or interface that presents the channel output.


I/O is abbreviated as inputs/outputs on a mixer in this regards. The number and category of I/O will depend on the use of a mixer.

Now, let's understand the scenario of live mixing.

Such a mixer is needed which is enough to handle the outputs needed to connect the mains, microphones, other devices that connect to it and monitor speakers. The devices that are a part of a recording process or signal chain must also be included while calculating I/O for studio mixers.

Such inputs/outputs include headphones, effects processors, monitor speakers, signal processors and other instruments as well that uses direct injection (DI) boxes to connect to the mixer.


It can be understood as a circuit intersection where the outputs from different channels meet. The signal channels are routed to a specific bus or set of busses. The main mixer output to a recorder or a speaker by the master mix bus.

Auxiliary buses, often known as aux buses or aux sends, are usually fed by the channel's volume controls with which they are connected and then send those signals through their own output jacks. This is called as post-fader sends which are used to send the mixes of monitor speakers, signals to headphones or effects processors.


Several channels in a mixer often offer a group function that allows one to simultaneously process and control various channels. Its works are similar to that of sub-mixer that shares the coherent signal routing and processing and provides the ease in controlling master bus since a single fader is used to control all the channels.


External and add-on sound processors, such as equalizers and compressors, are connected with the help of a channel insert.

Direct Output:

These feed mixer's preamplifiers output to recording systems and external sound interfaces.

Cue System:

Cue systems allow listening on the specified channels without affecting the mixer's output. This usually allows the signal to listen either before fading manipulation or after.

7. Why audio mixer software?

In the early days, analog audio mixers were the only option available to perform sounding mixing. But the rise of the era of the 21st century brings more opportunities for easy and optimized audio mixing by sound mixer software.

All you need is a configured laptop, audio mixer software, and merely a control surface to jump into this world while being within the budget!

This audio mixer software is easily available to do everything or even more than what a physical mixer could have done. Several sound mixer applications are available to start with basic sound mixing using your smartphones or even tablets.

For the sake of recording, software-based mixers allow easy integration with the virtual instruments, drum loops, samples, and several other additions in your productions. The use of advanced MIDI functions with a digital audio workstation (DAW) lets you enlighten with a whole new world of possibilities to elevate your sounds/music to the next level.

Final verdict: Have you decided on your audio mixer software?

The usability and optimality of a sound mixer online software depend solely on the extent of application, available resources, and OS compatibility.

But, it can be said without a doubt that Wondershare Filmora is the most user-friendly, with immense flexibility in terms of uses and compatibility. Its broad-scale usability and promising results make it outshine the most among other audio mixing software.

4. 10 best sound/audio mixer software

Whether you are pursuing a music career, making a video for a movie clip, or merely creating some hard-core beats for fun, you'll be needing good sound mixing software.

Selecting an audio mixer software perfect for your requirements and available resources is not an easy task.

Some of them are for free while some charge for it, some offer limited features. At the same time, some are specific to a certain operating system, the options and availabilities are endless, and choosing among them is a hell of a daunting task.

But no need to stress out because we are here to take your burden on our shoulders and help you choose exactly what you want! So sit back and relax!

1. Wondershare Filmora

This software is a perfect tool for newbies that provides a user-friendly interface and promises a professional outcome in the end.


  • Easy-to-use software
  • Support any file format. Hence, no file conversion is needed.
  • Imports file in the original format and mix the audio with built-in tools.
  • Built-in effects greater than any other software.
  • Easy to learn.
  • Audio sync option while editing.
  • Audio ducking features to lowers the background volume.

Audio formats support: all (import/export and audio/video) file formats.

Compatibility: Windows 7 to windows 10 sound mixer and mac OS.

Price: free and paid.

If you are facing any trouble regarding audio mixing through an audio mixer software, then here's a video tutorial for Filmora software.

You can download it for free and follow the video guide step by step. Check the below video:

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2. Adobe Audition

It is primarily designed for professional users having several features like multi-track editing and mixing, Auto Ducking, clip editing.


  • Availability of a vast range of features.
  • Attractive user interface.
  • Good for video sounds or voice-over editing overall, including sound mixing.


  • A little too complex for a newbie to understand.
  • Not good enough for music productions.
  • This software is subscription-based.

Audio formats support: MP3, WMA, WAV, AIFF, AC-3, PCM, AIFC, and more.

Compatibility: Mac OS, Windows.

Price: free and paid for both.

3. Logic Pro X

This software is suitable for both professional users and beginners. It combines all the basic and advanced features, including Flex Time, automatic time matching of different tracks, Flex Pitch, arpeggiator, etc.


  • Works wonderfully on Mac.
  • Rich Featured software and several plugins.
  • Singular notes control.
  • Tutorial easily available.


  • Mac only.
  • Expensive.

Audio formats support: WAV, AIFF, CAF, PCM, ALAC, AAC, MP3, and more.

Compatibility: macOS.

Price: Paid

4. Audacity

A free, open-source, and features rich software perfect for both professional and beginner users. Its offers multiple effects and tolls like analysis, envelope, time-shift tools, etc.


  • Free.
  • Cross-platform.
  • Easy to use.
  • Features for beginner and pro-level, both.
  • Online community available for help.


  • Not very appealing UI.
  • May face crashes on Mac.

Audio formats support: MP3, MP4, AIFF, PCM, WMA, AC3, AMR, and more.

Compatibility: Linux, Windows, and macOS.

Price: free.

5. Reaper

This is one of the few software facilities with a bunch of features at such an affordable price. It has multiple tracks, multichannel support, real-time, non-destructive effect application, pitch-shifting, and time-shifting features.


  • Feature-rich.
  • More affordable than other audio mixer software.
  • Detailed tutorials are available online.


  • Not very appealing UI as of LPX or Audition.
  • Not suitable for beginners.

Audio formats support ACID, AIFF, MP3, MPEG WMV, and more.

Compatibility: Linux, Windows, and macOS.

Price: free and paid.

6. Fl Studio

It is one of the top-notch software used for sound mixer and editing purposes. It supports pitch shifting, time stretching and multi-track recording, 80 plugins, VST standards, delay compensation, etc.


  • Comes with abundant Features.
  • Works great for music productions.
  • Supports 3rd party plugin.


  • Not very appealing UI.
  • May be intimidating for beginners.

Audio formats support: AIFF, DS, MP3, OGG, WAV and more.

Compatibility: Windows and macOS.

Price: free and paid.

7. SoundAtion

It is a browser-based software that facilitates non-destructive Multi-track audio editing, dynamic mixing, several effects selection, and EQ across multiple tracks.


  • Free digital audio Workstation (DAW).
  • Works wonderfully for sound effects, podcasting, and general-purpose sound task.
  • Supports 3rd party plugin.


  • Automation not featured in a free trial.
  • Limited audio quality in a trial version.

Audio Formats Support: MP3 and WAV.

Compatibility: any operating system.

Price: free and paid.

8. HyaWave

It offers functions like cutting with an online audio cutter, paste and trim audio, and supports 18 filters, effects, and publication through URL and social media with the minimalistic user interface.


  • Easy and simple user interface.
  • Audio filter customization.
  • Has a built-in audio player, recorder, and editor.

Audio formats support: MP3, WAV, and more.

Compatibility: any operating system.

Price: free.

9. Twisted Wave Online

It is an online software almost equally compatible with many paid sound mixer and editing tools. It also supports uncompressed audio recording, VST effects, and several core effects.


  • Cloud storage of edited audio, saving the disk space.
  • Sampling rate conversation.
  • Online and free.


  • Upload file in mono in a trial version.
  • Supports 5 minutes audio clip in a trial version.

Audio formats support: MP3.

Compatibility: any operating system.

Price: free and paid.

10. Bear Audio Tool

This is online browser-based software that can edit the files from our local storage, and you don't have to upload the audio to their server. It can cut, apply effects, trim, etc. It has ample own music library, effects and import options.


  • Copyright-free.
  • Import audio directly from URL or social media domains.
  • Features rich.


  • Not suitable for very advanced usage.

Audio formats support: MP3, OGG, WAV, WMA, M4R, AAC and OGG.

Compatibility: any operating system.

Price: free and paid.